
Showing posts from February, 2015

Art for the Heart

Another great evening coming up in Wichita, Kansas that celebrates our friends and their abilities!

Koren's Story

Another installment of buddy lessons.... Koren’s Story Intro Question What do people see when they look at you? Scripture John 6:1-15 Jesus is speaking to a crowd of 5,000+ people and the disciples question him about how they will feed the crowd.   A little boy offers five small loaves and two fish.   Jesus takes what he has to offer and uses it for a profound miracle that impacts an enormous crowd of people. What do you think it was like for the little boy to see Jesus take all that he offered and use it to feed 5,000+ people? What do you think the disciples were thinking, when Jesus took the least likely (someone with little to offer) and made a profound impact out of it? Do you think the crowd say the little boy offer his loaves or fish or do you think they just saw the miracle? Who becomes the hero in this story? Video Discussion Questions What surprises you about this video? What w...

Doodles for Capernaum

YL Capernaum is getting started in Raleigh, NC after years of prayer.  God is raising up leaders and kids and adults and excitement! Some of the leaders are going to Israel this summer to serve YL Capernaum there for two weeks!  What a way to get some training!   In an effort to raise funds for the trip, Rachael is creating "doodles", as she calls them, "beautiful artwork", as I call them.  She will do any scripture or saying that you would like and offers them in various sizes.   To order yours and for more info, contact  Rachael !  

Name Tags

Name tags are great to have at your Capernaum club to help everyone (parents included) learn names. Many clubs have started putting this index of symbols on the backs of the leaders name tags as a reference and then if a friend has one of these needs, the appropriate symbol is placed under their name on the front of their name tag.  This lets leaders know what their friend's needs are without it being super obvious.  A great way to love your friends with excellence! Download the symbols here !

Praying By Name

I love learning about the great things that people are doing around the mission within their Capernaum ministries!  Here's a great idea from Virginia Beach , that really helps bring the community around your friends and helps enlarge the number of people praying for your ministry! Write a bunch of individual index cards with individual kids names, their disability, and how you can pray for them.  We wrote a card for every kid that we knew in the area (this could take some time, so plan for that).  Once done, divide up all of the cards and give them to committee, give them to donors and to people who will commit to praying for these specific kids in the area.  Now you have each kid you know being prayed for on a regular basis by people outside of your leaders and yourself. Thanks Stafford!  We love this idea!  Send us one of your cards and we'll pray for your friends by name too!

I See Jesus

It was Monday morning at Southwind, Martin Luther King Day, and I just finished sharing with the 268 people there, that it was such a gift to get to spend MLK day with them.  Capernaum is a group that has taught me, for the past fifteen years, what it looks like to love people who are different from you, how people of different races can get along, how to see life differently than before and how beautiful it is when you embrace people’s differences.  As my club talk came to a close, most of the kids filed out of the room but one young man made his way to the stage.  He waited patiently for me to step down and then immediately said, “I see Jesus a lot”.  I asked him to tell me more about that and he went on to explain that for his entire life he has had seizures.  Little ones and big ones.  He explained that there seems to be nothing during the little ones, but that in every single big one, he sees Jesus.  He told me about how Jesus talks to him an...

I Am Not Down Syndrome

The third installment.... I Am Not Down Syndrome Intro Questions What do you think can happen in ten seconds? Do you think people with disabilities are aware of how people think and feel about them? Scripture John 9:1-12 In an encounter with His disciples, Jesus is asked whether a man who is blind was the one who sinned or whether it was his parents who sinned.   Jesus in turn replies that the man was born blind so that the works of God may be displayed in his life. What do you think led the disciples to ask Jesus this question? How do you think Jesus’ answer challenged the disciples’ view of people with disabilities? What is your response to Jesus’ answer? Video Discussion Questions What surprises you about this video? Tell us about a moment or statement in this video that changes your perception of people with disabilities. Have you ever considered that someone with a disability could be one of your best friends? What are t...

Nobody is Perfect

The second installment of the second installment.... lessons with high school buddies. Nobody Is Perfect Intro Questions Tell us about a mannequin in your favorite store? What does a typical store-front window look like? What do those windows tell us about how we value and view people? Scripture Mark 14:1-9 Jesus is reclining at the table with the chief priests and teachers when a woman comes to the table and anoints his feet with oil.   The people around the table are disgusted by her actions, but Jesus is honored. Imagine life for the woman…. What do you think her thoughts were that led her to anoint Jesus? How do you think she felt when all of the men were judging her? How do you think she felt when Jesus responded like he did? What have you done, or do you do, that looks audacious to the crowd but that you know Jesus is honored by? Video Discussion Questions What surprised you about this video? What is audacious about ...

Listening Carefully

A guest post by Pam Harmon Then Jesus said to his host, “When you give a luncheon or dinner, do not invite your friends, your brothers, or sisters, your relatives, or your rich neighbors; if you do, they may invite you back and so you will be repaid. But when you give a banquet, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind, and you will be blessed. Although they cannot repay you, you will be repaid at the resurrection of the righteous.” Luke 14: 12-14 “Every time you choose to participate in a loving response, in bringing order where there is disorder, in bringing reconciliation where there is dis-unity, in bringing better service to others, in bringing integrity where there is lack of it, in an act of kindness, in a loving thought, in forgiveness - you are manifesting the coming of the Kingdom of God on earth.” - Tim Kreutter             I consider myself a school friend of Jay’s. He likes it when I sit by him; h...