Country Spotlight: Singapore
In Matthew 28, Jesus tasks his followers to go out and make disciples of all nations in the Great Commission. The Jesus Storybook says it like this, “When at last they reached the top of the highest hill near Jerusalem, Jesus turned to them and said, ‘Go everywhere and tell everyone the happy news!’” We have aspired to do just that and Young Life is now including teens with disabilities in over 40 countries! It is our pleasure to amplify these stories and highlight the work of God throughout the world from Peru to Bulgaria to Mozambique and more. Today we highlight: Singapore ……………………. All over the world, COVID-19 has altered how we do ministry, but it has not stopped! McKinley shares here the struggles and joys of starting ministry in the midst of a global pandemic: Over a year before I came on staff, the YoungLife team in Singapore had been dreaming and planning of starting Capernaum ministry. As I went through the interview process it became clear ...