Investing in the Lives of their Friends - Rocky's Story
Thank you, Niccole "Baldi" Ryan, Area Director-West Valley Young Life for this story! On a warm summer evening I stood on a soggy pool deck listening to the squeals of teenagers slipping down a water slide. There were Young Life leaders and kids everywhere. Our area was having our annual summer pool party. There was something entirely different about this night, something one could miss if he or she didn’t know what to look for. Upon further inspection you would find seven teen moms with babies, a dozen or so Capernaum friends, Capernaum parents, Wyldlife kids and literal scores of kids from traditional Young Life clubs. It was hard to not have my eyes overcome with tears as I poured spoonful after giant spoonful of simmering nacho cheese over hot Cheetos for kids to munch on. My semi-watery eyes eventually landed on two individuals playing volleyball—Rocky and Pierce. About a year ago Rocky jumped in as a Capernaum leader and Pierce has been a part of Capernaum club f...