Front Row Seat
There is nothing like being in the front row seat watching Jesus pursue one of His kids. Being a part of that journey with Elena from campus visits, hangouts, club and this summer for a second camp trip was more than I ever imagined. God designed Elena with all sorts of fascinating layers but one thing I've learned is that she is an external processor but doesn't have many people in her life willing to listen to her many words. So from the moment she got on the bus to go to camp, we got to listen to all the ways she is processing Jesus’ love through the camp experience. The first year Elena came to camp, there was absolute shock about the love, acceptance and joy she began to see and hear, but this summer, she had a name to attribute all that love to. In the painful weeks of change she was experiencing in her life this past spring, she was crying out to Jesus and He provided the grace and comfort she needed. This summer, however, she was not afraid to ask the deep questi...