
Showing posts from October, 2017

Patience is a Virtue

Guest Post by Maison Lowery Patience is a virtue. This is a phrase I have heard quite often growing up. At one point, I had to Google it to know if this is something that comes from the bible or if this was one of those catchy southern phrases that my grandmother probably taught me. I am pleased to be reminded that in Galatians, patience is listed as one of the 7 fruits of the spirit or a “virtue” so I was not just living by a catching Southern phrase. As a first year Capernaum staffer, patience has taken on a new meaning for me. It has been stretched and tested in ways I didn’t see coming. The biggest lesson in the virtue of patience came from a new friend that I had met at the school. I first met her when I visited the high school life skills classroom. She was laying on a mat uninterested in what the rest of the class was doing. The YoungLife leader that went with me, explained that she was one of the few in the class that attended our Club. I went to meet her and she said ver...

Walker and Victor - Serving Together

Meet Walker and Victor, two friends that spent a month serving together at Lost Canyon!  Watch their story here .

Hayley and Mary Campbell

Hayley served on work crew this summer and grew immensely throughout her month at camp! She and her friend Mary Campbell were together on the Laundry Team and God worked in and through them all month long. Enjoy a bit of their friendship and story!

Cameron and Jacob

Last summer, Cameron was a camper at Carolina Point and since that week, he’s been dreaming about what it would look like to serve on Summer Staff. He had the privilege of doing just that this summer at Carolina Point, alongside of his friend Jacob. He also loved that the camp speaker from last summer was on the assignment team again, as they began a sweet friendship last summer. Cameron’s role at camp was far greater than the Ropes Team, as he and Andy partnered together in many ways to share the gospel with campers.  Enjoy  a bit of his time at camp!

Joseph and the Dinosaur

By Brad Mowry My friend Scott is a Regional Director for Young Life and a relatively new Capernaum leader. He is developing Young Life in the entire state of West Virginia. This past week, however, he was serving in a different role. He was at camp with a friend named Joseph. Joseph had never been away from his parents overnight, and on day one was really struggling. When I saw Scott on night one after campers went to their cabins to go to bed, he said Joseph had cried for four hours and wanted to go home. Scott had called Joseph’s mom and in order to comfort Joseph, they were considering having his brother travel to be with him at camp. We sent out a prayer request for Joseph - and also for Scott for endurance, creativity, and patience. I was seeing Mark 2 in action - a group of friends uniting together to bring another friend to the feet of Jesus. One thing Scott knew about Joseph is that Joseph loves to create with clay. So a camp staff person went into town and bought clay s...

Solveig and Lily

Do you remember our friend Solveig ?! She had the opportunity to do Summer Staff this summer at Carolina Point alongside her friend Lily. Together they served in the store as well as at the bead cart. Take a few minutes to enjoy a little bit of their story !

Sharing the Gospel Through Service at YLives Camp

By Candace Conglose My week at YoungLives camp was nothing short of a real sweet glimpse of the Kingdom.  My friend Caitlin, a graduated Capernaum participant, and I traveled to Carolina Point to serve on the Child Care team at YoungLives camp. This was no spur of the moment decision for Caitlin to serve- she spent 3 years serving at her local YoungLives club in Nashville, served at a YoungLives weekend camp with her local area, put on a fundraiser, collected over 25 packs of diapers and wipes for camp, and spent time praying and preparing for camp.  On Sunday we rolled up to camp alongside 129 other child care workers for training. She sat, along side others eager to serve, and learned of what this week meant for us as well as the Mommy’s. We bunked with 3 sweet grandmothers, 9 high school students, some young professionals, and another Capernaum friend- all with different stories, all equally equipped and called to serve.  Logistically- child care feels ...

Sam and Logan

Sam and Logan hail from Knoxville and had the privilege of spending a month together at Carolina Point on work crew. This was Sam’s second experience on work crew and he continues to grow mightily in his relationship with Jesus and others. Take a few minutes to enjoy a snapshot of their time together .

Progressive Halloween

Halloween can be a tricky (no pun intended) time of year for our friends with disabilities. Finding something safe, and age appropriate can be quite a challenge for our friends and their families. Our friends…along with myself…love dressing up for Halloween, but typical trick-or-treating is not always the best option so I came up with this idea of a Progressive Halloween. I contacted a few of my leaders (or great for sub-committee members or donors) and asked if we could use their houses to stop at throughout the night. Each house provided us with candy, appetizers, dinner, or dessert. Mapping this out was very simple thanks to the internet! There are a lot of great, free sites where you can input multiple addresses and it tells you the best route, as well as how much time between stops so that you can plan to tell your leaders what time you will get to their house (I used RouteXL but there are many others). Our night was from 5:30-8:00 so I had to calculate the best routes and...