
Showing posts from June, 2017

Arturo, Prayer and Young Life

Blog Post by Derek Cormell, New Mexico/El Paso Regional Capernaum Coordinator I had the privilege of meeting Arturo a couple of months ago. Arturo loves Jesus deeply and has a special care for and understanding of disability… he also has Cerebral Palsy.  Arturo and I sat down to talk about the mission of Young Life to reach every kid and how at Jesus’ table there is room for everyone! Arturo expressed that he had been in prayer for some time for a vehicle through which to proclaim the Gospel to people with disabilities in a relational way, little did he know, he was praying for what we do in Young Life.  We also were unaware that our divisional team has been praying for Capernaum to begin in the city of El Paso. Arturo has joined our local high school Young Life team and is currently in new leader training.  Our prayer is that soon, as we get a community of caring adults around Capernaum, Arturo will be a Capernaum leader here in El Paso! In the meantime, we a...

Hundreds of Meals, Hundreds of Dishes, Hundreds of Hearts

Twice a year, for the last several years, our Arizona Capernaum friends have served thousands of meals, washed thousands of dishes, and touched thousands of hearts. During the off-season of camp, we head to Young Life’s Lost Canyon in Northern Arizona to serve as the work crew in the dining hall for 6 days for two outside groups. It’s labor intensive. It’s exhausting. It’s hard work for the most able-bodied among us. Why do our friends with intellectual and developmental disabilities eagerly join us? It’s simple; they have a deep love for Jesus and a yearning for the opportunity to answer His call. John 13:14-15 says, “Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another’s feet. I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you”. Imagine having the water basin and towels ready, the heart of a servant, the chairs in place, and yet there are no feet to wash. So often our friends with disabilities are ready and willing to be the...

YL Palestine - Bethlehem Discipleship Camp/A Special Day!

In a country where children with disabilities are often considered a shame for their families and put into group homes, Young Life has the unique opportunity of going into these facilities and sharing the love of Jesus through Capernaum ministry. YL leaders from the community love on these teens and young adults through weekly clubs and meetings and summer camps. Sadly, in Palestine, these kids are normally kept separate from general public and an average teenager in high schools would not have any opportunity to know, let alone go to camp with, anyone with disabilities. However, for 53 Palestinian kids from the local YL club in Bethlehem that changed last November, when they were given that opportunity to attend a YL discipleship camp.  The three-day camp consisted of messages about finding God in the hard times, Jesus came for everyone, and how to read and understand scripture. On the second afternoon of camp, after hearing the message about Jesus coming for everyone,...