What YL Leaders Do
A guest post from Pam Harmon.... Sometimes when we see YL Capernaum volunteer leaders hanging around with teenagers, maybe at a school function, a birthday party, or at a Special Olympics event, a parent will ask me, “But what does a Young Life leader actually do?” In the past week I had two unique experiences that reminded me of the amazing privilege it is to serve as a Young Life leader - one experience happened at camp and one at home. First at camp: As I walked closer to the dining hall at Lost Canyon I could see that leaders were funneling their campers away from one of the entrances, and that’s where the noise was coming from. I heard him before I saw him. I walked toward that doorway wondering what I would find there. Our 6 foot, 180 lb. friend, Max, was spread out on the ground yelling and crying and flinging his arms. He had had enough! He was tired and hungry and overstimulated and DONE! I gra...