
Showing posts from June, 2015

The Giving and Receiving of Hospitality

A guest post by Ben Conner... “ We will never believe that we have anything to give unless there is someone who is able to receive.   Indeed, we discover our gifts in the eyes of the receiver”                                             Henri Nouwen, Reaching Out , 87 Those who minister to and with young people with intellectual, developmental, and physical disabilities need to make sure they provide the spaces in which people with disabilities can participate in the mutuality, the giving and receiving, of hospitality.   For example, Patrick has limited opportunities to share in the practice of hospitality due to his infrequent interactions with others.   Like many young people with intellectual and developmental disabilities his circles of friendshi...

Capernaum Prom

Jennifer Moore in Allen, TX put on a huge prom with the help of her committee, leaders and community.  So many people rallied together to provide her friends with an amazing night!  Next year, multiple areas are joining together for it.  It's probably something you want to fly to Dallas for to be a part of...  no really, I'm serious! "Capernaum prom was such a huge blessing.  The community came around us, we had 3 churches, life groups, teen groups, traditional YL kids, YL alum and different local companies!!  It was truly a MAGICAL evening.  It was a YL camp moment.  So many people showing the love of Christ by loving on our friends!!  Thankful to be apart of these kids lives!!  #WhyiYL"

Meet Solveig...

Meet Solveig!  This young woman is amazing! Solveig is a part of Young Life in Singapore and had the chance to go to Sharp Top Cove last summer as a camper.  This summer she is returning to the states but not for a week of camp.  Instead, she'll be serving on Work Crew for a month at Carolina Point! We can't wait to hear about some of the ways in which God is going to use this dynamic, beautiful woman to change and impact His kingdom! Be praying for Solveig as she serves this summer.  And stay tuned for an update...

It's OK to Sit

A guest post by Emily Brafford... When I came on Young Life Capernaum staff three years ago, I didn’t really know how to do contact work with our friends. Needless to say, it has been a journey figuring it all out and we have a long way to go. While we have figured out different places to go and things to be involved in to meet new families, you can never forego the high school. In my area, going to the traditional high schools has not been an option. So, I began going to a public, separate school for kids with special needs. I volunteered in a ‘transition classroom’, which had students ages 16-23. This classroom only had 8 students.   Four of those were non-verbal.   I would go to this classroom twice a week. I had been a special education major in college and had experience, but the “I don’t know what I am doing” feeling tends to always be present with our friends because they are each unique and their abilities all look different.    I would go to the ...