Capernaum and the Church Part III

Clint Dowda joined us to share one more model of how the Church and Capernaum can work together specifically to serve our older friends as they grow beyond the Capernaum age. As a pastor and a Capernaum leader for several years, Clint has a unique perspective and passion to see his friends transitioned into the life of the church as well as to maintain fellowship and friendship with one another! Clint shared with us the process they walked through as they saw a need for their friends to have a place of belonging and also a place to serve beyond their Capernaum years as they grew older. Naturally, his church was a fit for some of those friends. They began with a Sunday morning Capernaum Campaigners group as an introduction to discipleship in their local church, which over the years has become a Sunday school class for friends with intellectual disabilities. As friends have gone on to become a part of the church at every level, many are involved in various levels of service;...