by Brad Mowry, Eastern Division Capernaum Coordinator I remember the doctor’s words clearly, “It’s a girl.” My wife said, “Really?!” She was convinced we were having a boy. It was our first child and we decided to wait and be surprised by the gender. Holding Hannah in my arms that morning, I could hardly believe I was a father. I began to dream about all the fun times we would have. I was young, but I could picture growing old and Hannah growing up. I pictured birthday parties, soccer games, prom nights, and someday walking her down the aisle to give her away (to some guy who probably didn’t deserve her!). Five months later all those dreams shattered as the doctor told us, “She has brain-damage and is probably blind.” Like a piece of paper sucked out of a car window, those dreams slipped out too fast to grab them. We moved on without those dreams: birthday parties included only family, there would be no soccer, no prom, no aisle to walk down and no guy – deserving or not – to who...