Capernaum Sub-Committees
A guest post by Brittany Mazuchowski Starting and growing Capernaum in an area can feel overwhelming, to say the least. Sometimes it seems like there are endless amounts of people, businesses, groups, churches or organizations that you could be meeting with to invite them into the story of Capernaum. A Capernaum Sub-Committee can be an extremely helpful resource in praying for, promoting and, eventually, providing for your Capernaum ministry. Here are a few small tips about starting a sub-committee in your own area: - Subcommittee “Chair” – One member of your sub-committee should be a member of your greater area committee. Ask someone who is excited about your Capernaum ministry to serve as co-chair of the sub-committee with you. They will also be able to make reports to the greater committee. - Who to invite? A sub-committee made up of a diverse, well-rounded group of people will be the most helpful. You’ll want parents of guys and girls, parents of kids with varying disa...